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DraftKings Sportsbook’s NBA Promo Offers 100-1 Odds

draftkings sportsbook nba promo


DraftKings Sportsbook has a pretty sweet new-user deal ahead of a weekend of elimination games in the NBA Playoffs.

Those who register with DraftKings Sportsbook and make an initial deposit can bet at least $1 on any NBA team’s moneyline. If that team wins outright, bettors win $100.

It’s that simple. No big deposits — just $5 — or significant hoops to jump through in order to catch the benefits of this awesome deal. Just use any of the links on this page to grab this bet $1, win $100 DraftKings Sportsbook promo to take advantage of this excellent deal during a weekend of high-stakes games.

Register with DraftKings Sportsbook, make an initial deposit, and take part in this incredible deal by clicking here.

DraftKings Sportsbook

States: NY, AZ, CO, PA, NJ, IN, IL, IA, MI, MI, VA, TN, and WV

BET $5, GET $100

DraftKings Sportsbook NBA Promo: 100-1 Odds

In order to get into the action this weekend, bet $1 on the moneyline of any NBA team to win $100. Don’t worry about point spreads, either, as this promo is all about the team winning the game outright.

Some notes to know:

How to Bet $1 and Win $100 at DraftKings Sportsbook

There are just a few steps that you’ll need to follow in order to take part in the offer:

  1. Register with DraftKings Sportsbook, which is pretty simple to accomplish. Get started by clicking here.
  2. Make an initial deposit of at least $5 into your sportsbook account using any of the available methods (PayPal, debit/credit card, etc.).
  3. Place at least $1 on the moneyline for any team in any game. You must place the bet before tip-off of the game you choose.
  4. If your team wins, you’ll be issued a $100 bonus on top of any winnings that come with your original wager, courtesy of DraftKings Sportsbook.

NBA Playoff Odds at DraftKings Sportsbook

We are currently witnessing an ever-entertaining NBA Playoffs — on Thursday night, we saw Milwaukee defeat Brooklyn to send that Eastern Conference Seminal series to Game 7. We also saw the 76ers blow a 26-point lead in Game 5 Wednesday night (the Hawks currently lead that series 3-2 heading into Friday’s Game 6).

Here are the odds for the pair of playoff games on Friday night:

Sixers -3 (-112) -155 O 221 (-112)
Hawks +3 (-109) +130 U 221 (-109)


Jazz -1.5 (-112) -121 O 219.5 (-112)
Clippers +1.5 (-109) +102 U 219.5 (-109)


A typical $1 bet on the Hawks moneyline could earn you $1.30 in winnings — not a particularly intriguing payout. On the other hand, if you take part in this opportunity, you could earn that plus a $100 bonus that you may then use to win in other ways at DraftKings.

Register with DraftKings Sportsbook, make an initial deposit, and take part in this incredible deal by clicking here.

DraftKings Sportsbook

States: NY, AZ, CO, PA, NJ, IN, IL, IA, MI, MI, VA, TN, and WV

BET $5, GET $100
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