Mile High Sports

Brock Osweiler proves that he’s the nicest guy in Denver

nicest guy in Denver

Whatever you think about his quarterbacking abilities, there’s no denying that Brock Osweiler is just about the nicest guy in Denver. Whenever he’s at the podium or on the sidelines, the 6-foot-8 quarterback has a smile plastered across his face and book full of wonderful quips for the media.

He’s perfect. So perfect, in fact, that we even felt the need to write an entire think-piece on what a not-so-nice Brock Osweiler — a Bizarro Brock Osweiler, if you may — would be saying to the media under the same circumstances.

And we’ve been waiting for him to slip up; we’ve combed through every word he’s uttered. And we’ve found zilch, nada, nothing.

As Beyonce might say, he’s been “flawless.” So when he came out today and said this, I gave in.

Well, it’s settled. Brock Osweiler is officially the nicest athlete we have ever seen.

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