Mile High Sports

The Denver Broncos can’t make sense of Madden’s team rankings

fantasy football guys

The Denver Broncos aren’t garnering respect, not from Vegas, not from analysts and, now, not from Madden.

Earlier in the week, Madden 17 released their AFC West team rankings for their upcoming game, and the reigning Super Bowl champions were slighted, to say the least.

In case you can’t read the small print, not only do the Broncos have the third highest grade in the division — behind the Chiefs and Raiders — but Denver didn’t even receive the highest defensive grade. That distinction went to Kansas City, whose 93 grade was two better than the Broncos’ 91.

And offensively, it was even worse, as Denver’s offense ranked dead last in the division (75), six points lower than the Chiefs’ third-place ranking.

If that seems shocking to you, the Denver Broncos felt the same way.

Not many expected much of the Denver Broncos last season, either. Apparently a Super Bowl ring doesn’t mean the Broncos won’t have to prove themselves all over again.

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