Mile High Sports

Denver Broncos center Matt Paradis undergoes successful hip surgery

One down, one more to go.

On Tuesday, Denver Broncos center Matt Paradis underwent arthroscopic surgery in Vail, Colo., to fix his ailing right hip.  On Wednesday, he took to Twitter to say how it went:

While the news of a successful surgery must be music to the ears of Broncos fans, Paradis is not out of the woods quite yet. In approximately three weeks time, he will return to Vail. This time going under the knife to repair his left hip.

Dr. Marc Philippon of The Steadman Clinic performed the first operation, and is expected to perform the second.  He is confident that Paradis will not only recover, but may even be able to improve on his stellar 2016 campaign, one in which he was hampered by the injuries, even if it didn’t show on the field.

“He believes Matt will come back as a much better athlete — more agile, more explosive and really be able to utilize his hips going forward,” agent Brian McLaughlin told the Denver Post of the doctor’s optimism. “He really thought it was amazing that Matt had the type of year he had. He knew Matt was a good player, but I don’t think he knew fully the kind of season he had with his hips in those conditions.”


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