Mile High Sports

Denver Broncos GM John Elway spotted with Dallas Cowboys QB Tony Romo

Just when you thought it was dwindling, there is more fuel to be added onto the fire when it comes to a possible union between the Denver Broncos and Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo.

Over the weekend, Horatio Alger Award winner Glenn Stearns was in Washington D.C. for the inauguration of President Donald Trump. He spent much of his time back east in the company of Broncos Executive Vice President of Football Operations/General Manager John Elway. He took to Facebook to post pictures from friend and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s victory party, one of which featured Romo and Elway.

It is unclear whether Elway and Romo talked business whilst in our nation’s capital, but the subject very well could have been broached. Romo, who is rumored to favor the Broncos over any other potential destination should he leave the Cowboys, was at the very least, provided an opportunity to make his pitch, regardless if he took advantage or not.

Elway, a former quarterback himself, seemingly has some fans of his own on the east coast. In a video posted by Stearns, an Uber driver sings the gunslinger’s praises. Unbeknownst to the driver, Elway was in the back season.


Media credit: Glenn Stearns,

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