Mile High Sports

LOOK: Shane Ray fights back at everyone attacking his Kansas City Chiefs tattoo

NFL Draft

Yesterday, Broncos rookie pass rusher Shane Ray posted a picture of his latest tattoo, and it drew the ire of many Broncos faithful.

Understandably, a lot of the responses were’t exactly positive, as fans questioned where Ray’s loyalties stood; it’s not often that a player gets a tattoo of a division rival on their back.

Nonetheless, Ray is a Kansas City kid. Not only was he born in the city, but he went to college at Missouri. It shouldn’t be surprising that he’d rep his hometown, and it definitely doesn’t mean he plans on supporting anybody but the Denver Broncos going forward.

After hearing it from Broncos Country, though, Ray took to Twitter to defend himself.

But that was just the start, as Ray’s mom, Sebrina Johnson, came to Shane’s defense.

Before she could really get going, Shane made sure to warn everybody that they had just awoken Momma Bear.

Still, that didn’t quiet the story, as it made its way all the way up the ladder to ESPN.

Do your thing, Shane. As long as you’re sacking quarterbacks and winning games for the Denver Broncos, you could change your name to Al Davis for all we care. What matters is what’s on the inside, and that’s orange and blue!

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