Moms take their lumps.
Like a skinned knee, a bumped noggin or a sprained ankle, sports can leave their mark on mom. Even when they’re not playing.
You think a loss is tough on you? Well, losing is actually harder on your mom.
She aches with every loss.
Winces after every hit.
She leeeeeeeaaaans whenever the ball is about to go into the basket or over the fence.
That damn scoreboard affects her more than you’ll ever know. Your success is your own. Your pain is hers. But she’s just so doggone tough, never showing anything but unwavering support.
She offers no judgment, no postgame critique. Only a shoulder on which to cry – if and only when you need it.
And she doesn’t get the credit she deserves – not anywhere close. Dad taught junior the skills. Dad is a fiery competitor. Junior is just a regular chip off the ol’ block.
Thank Dad, sure. He’s a darn swell guy.
But thank Mom double.
After all, she’s your mom.
In May, Mile High Sports Magazine features a dozen stories about professional athletes and their relationships with their mothers. Below are links to digital editions of each of these loving tributes.