Mile High Sports

Riley Dixon has the best rookie haircut in Broncos history

Riley Dixon

It’s that time of year again: Broncos rookie haircut season.

In case you’re new to the show, every year the Broncos round up the new blood, grab a razor and wreck havoc on what was once a perfectly good head of hair. This year, though, the Denver Broncos took things to another level, as creativity was at an all-time high.

Let’s start with the Broncos bringing back the the Tim “Friar Tuck” Tebow cut from 2010.

And then there was the ol’ 50-50 cut.


It gets better with Paxton Lynch, who, well, had something horrible, yet oddly mesmerizing, done to his head.

And how do you top the literal rat tail?

But of all the haircuts, nobody could top rookie punter Riley Dixon, who had sunglasses and a mustache shaved onto the back of the head.

Honestly, it’s not even embarrassing; it’s simply impressive.

It’s great, Riley. Really, really great.

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