Mile High Sports

The “Stick to Sports” crowd is back and I am over it

Protester pointing finger and holding megaphone

The job of a sports radio host or a sports writer is not always an easy one. I know many of you probably envy the idea of attending all the games, meeting the players and doing for a living what many of you would probably happily do for free. But it isn’t always easy.

The current state of the world makes it even harder.

Over the weekend, as is known to happen from time to time, one of our Twitter followers was upset with one of our writers for expressing his opinion. That opinion was not about sports. It was about the current challenges we are all watching on TV and dealing with in person, specifically regarding the death of George Floyd..

That follower told me that I should fire that reporter.

His exact statement (he made many, so I’ll try to limit it to just one) was, “People follow you on Twitter because they want to get the Nuggets news from a sports reporter not wanna see a fake activist bitching. I strongly recommend Mile High Sports fire you.”

Now, let me make one thing clear. I know that people first choose to follow us on Twitter for our coverage of the teams they care about. Twitter allows for expression in many forms on many topics. Many of my followers are because of the radio and television shows I have done over the years. I’m guessing many of them don’t care when I post about a new song I like, a restaurant I tried, the accomplishments of my kids … or my opinion on a major news story.

Most people will simply scroll past that stuff since that is not their primary reason for following.

But every now and then, the “stick to sports” crowd can’t help themselves and they have to chime in.

When you call in to my radio show to talk about the Broncos and I disagree with you, do I tell you to “stick to [insert your profession here]”?

Of course not.

Because your profession does not define all of who you are. You can be an accountant and still have an opinion about the Broncos offensive line. You can drive for RTD and still think the Nuggets are not ready for the Western Conference Finals.

And I can be a sports media professional and still have an opinion about what is happening in the world today.

I personally do not have any patience for the “stick to sports” crowd. I will never, under any circumstances, tell our team of writers, hosts and staff to do so.

Our opinions are not substandard simply because of our job description. And we believe the same about each of you. We may not agree with your opinion about the Rockies, but we support your right to think and share it.

Our entire business is built on that very concept.

The same person that started all of this on Twitter asked how we would feel if we started to lose followers because of our opinions.

Do I want to lose followers? Of course not. But if you choose to do that, my response would be to shrug and say “okay.” Because if someone expressing an opinion is simply too much for you, I’m here to say that Twitter probably isn’t the best forum for you to be in the first place.

I cannot guarantee that when our staff gives their opinion that it will always be shared by other members of our staff, by our company, or by you.

But I will forever support our right, and yours, to share that opinion.

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