Mile High Sports

Is Tim Tebow about to run for Congress?

Tim Tebow

A few weeks ago, Tim Tebow was asked whether he would consider a career in politics, and while he didn’t give a definitive answer, he definitely didn’t say no.

“I don’t know at this time in my life,” Tebow said on Fox & Friends. “If there’s a chance you can make a difference someday at something, then that would be intriguing.”

Well, apparently that has gotten some within the Republican party thinking, and after the sudden retirement of Florida representative Ander Crenshaw, the website Red Alert Politics has thrown Tebow’s name into the ring.

“Tebow would never be lost in the crowd, and this would give him an opportunity to lead on issues he is already leading on in his life: fighting poverty, defending homeschoolers, and making traditional values cool again,” wrote Red Alert Politics.

Tim maintains residence, owns a business and has established his foundation within Rep. Crenshaw’s Florida district, which would make him a viable candidate. And while he has no political experience, it’s not as if that seems to mean much to the Republican party these days.

Tebow is an icon, a symbol and a genuinely good guy. Whether that makes him a good political candidate, we’ll see.

According to Mile High Sports Radio’s Benjamin Allbright, though, if Tebow is running for office, the Republican party doesn’t know about it.

Tebow seems like the type of guy who needs to remain in the spotlight. If he’s not going to be able to do that through football, then maybe politics is the right choice.

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