Mile High Sports

WATCH: Behind the scenes of one of the greatest fan videos ever

Every once in awhile a household musician captures the ears of thousands after posting a video on Youtube, and 50-year-old Ked Woodley is absolutely one of those people … though his story isn’t exactly of the Justin Bieber variety.

The Greenville, North Carolina, created what can only be described as an interesting rap video, celebrating his Carolina Panthers’ journey to Super Bowl 50. And he definitely drew some attention, generating over 500,000 views.

Mile High Sports was quite privileged to hear from the celebrity, who joined Danny and Cello on Morning Mayhem Wednesday. Woodley’s fast track to fame and intense growling has people pretty amazed … including himself.

“I’m amazed, probably as you are,” Woodley said. “I took like two years writing that song and I’ve never considered myself a song writer. I just have a passion for football, and I just got to thinking that I could probably write a good poem if I tried.”

And he did just that, turning his poem into a rap about the Panther’s sharp teeth and claws, incorporating growls and an intense head bob. Unfortunately his passion for the team didn’t carry them to a victory against the Denver Broncos.

I know what you’re thinking: This gem must’ve taken hours to perfect, right? Nope.

“I went through the song one time, and then we did it in one take,” Woodley said.

If you weren’t already super impressed, the singer/songwriter is also the mastermind behind the striking drumbeat that you hear in the background.

“I went out and bought me a drum machine,” Woodly said, just so he could put the final touches on the piece.

And if you were wondering where the songwriter got his skills, he says he has, “some background in music” and has been singing all of his life.

But a hit like this one doesn’t happen over night. There is an immense amount of work put in to make it stick out. Woodley explains the effort this song took in order to reach the high quality he was shooting for.

Woodley told Mile High Sports, “I kept working on the song until I felt it was radio and TV worthy.”

And that it is. Thousands of people can now enjoy his creative tune and hope that he keeps the videos coming. If anything else, Ked Woodley has given the Panthers one thing to be excited about after the Super Bowl.

For the full conversation, listen to the podcast below…

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