Dud No. 1 – The Doubters

Fortunately, my words are contained here on the digital page – you aren’t subjected to my observations, thoughts and opinions via our radio station, Mile High Sports AM 1340.

Off the record, I said this one felt like a 35-12 blowout. I was close on the score, but in the total wrong direction.

I wasn’t alone in thinking this game was one that was going to be a struggle for the Broncos. Gil Whiteley, Joe Williams and other longtime Broncos analysts who make their hay week in and week out breaking down the orange and blue didn’t like the way this one stacked up for Denver.

In our defense, Peyton Manning entered the game having thrown just seven touchdowns against 10 interceptions. And, in fairness, he didn’t improve that number on Sunday, going 0-fer in the TD department and getting picked off yet again.

But Peyton Manning didn’t need to be great against Green Bay (see Studs Nos. 2 & 3). Like John Elway in the Broncos’ two Super Bowl-winning seasons, Manning needed to spread things out, put the rock in his running backs’ hands and trust his defense.

Now it’s time for me, Whiteley, Williams and the rest of the doubters to trust everything about this team. Gary Kubiak and Peyton Manning are getting this thing figured out and as James Merilatt wrote Monday morning, it’s time to get on the bandwagon.