Thon Maker, Canada

Age: 19 years old     Size: 7’1, 225 pounds

Last Season’s Stats: 11.2 points; 6.7 rebounds; 2.1 blocks

Percentages: (No percentages available)

Thon Maker is the ultimate wildcard. While it is known that he is not the infamous mixtape version of himself, he does bring an interesting skillset to that table for whoever drafts him. He seems to be almost a lock as a late first-round pick, but if he does not workout well, he could end up as a steal in the second round. Bringing immense length and great mobility in space with an added jump shot he projects as a modern day NBA center.

Being able to run the floor like a galloping gazelle is Maker’s biggest attribute. He consistently gains position and creates mismatches by running the floor hard. He is an above average leaper in space and has a mid range jumper to stretch the floor just that much more. Being able to block shots and provide some level of rim protection is huge.

Maker is absolutely rail thin. He constantly gets bullied around the rim and struggles to finish. While he has the physical tools, outside of bulk, to make up for his issues he does not get an opportunity to fully display his physical talents because his court awareness is so awful. Maker needs to polish every aspect of his game and learn to play with a much higher IQ. As of right now, he is a complete non-passer and a bit of a black hole where all offense goes to die. In 1,708 minutes played he has 50 assists to 171 turnovers. It does not take a mathematician to explain how awful of a ratio that is.

I could see the Nuggets taking a flier on Maker if he falls out of the first round but with so many other talents around picks 15 and 19, I would be surprised to see Maker in blue and gold next season.