Evan Turner, Unrestricted Free Agent

Age: 27 years old     Size: 6’7”, 220 pounds

Career Stats: 10.7 points; 5.2 rebounds; 3.8 assists

Percentages: 43.2% from the field; 30.5% from three-point; 77.7% from the free throw line

The former second-overall pick back in 2010, Evan Turner has gone from the future in Philly to a solid role player in Boston. Turner’s a phenomenal playmaker with good vision and would take some of the playmaking burden off of Mudiay’s shoulders. Also, unlike the other options previously mentioned, Turner wouldn’t come in and disrupt Harris’ development, becoming more of a mentor than competitor to the Nuggets young two guard.

Turner also is a very good post scorer, allowing Malone to showcase both him and Mudiay against smaller guards on the block. His veteran presence would also be welcome on a young team whose culture was drastically repaired last season and help push them along that progression.

He doesn’t really fill the perimeter-shooting void that Denver desperately needs to address this offseason, but he could be a cheap, solid option for Tim Connelly at the shooting guard position.