Skal Labissiere, Kentucky

Age: 18 years old     Size: 7’0, 215 pounds

Last Season’s Stats: 6.6 points; 3.1 rebounds; 0.3 assists

Percentages: 51.8% from the field, 0% from three-point; 66.1% from the free throw line

Skal Labissiere is as mysterious of a prospect as anyone. While his natural ability is undeniable, he constantly under-performed at Kentucky. Like Marquese Chriss, Labissiere has not played a ton of competitive basketball. What he does bring with him is being 7 feet tall with a 7-foot-2 wingspan. He is a fluid athlete, has a jump shot that apparently reaches NBA three-point range and the defensive potential to be a solid two-way player.

Labissiere has a lot of versatility to his game. He has a very light shooting touch from all around the floor with clean footwork. He is able to go down into the low block and score using jump hooks with either hand as well as face up his opponent and hit turnaround jumpers over either shoulder. He can run the floor like a gazelle, catches lobs with ease and finishes them with strength. His shooting mechanics are sound and he uses his obnoxious wingspan to keep his jump shots from getting blocked. He has elite two-way player potential with his blindingly quick feet and 7-foot-2 wingspan. His ceiling may be just as high as Ben Simmons or Brandan Ingram.

Like Chriss, Labissiere’s potential going forward is going to be a direct correlation to the coaching he receives. When a player has played less than five years of competitive basketball, they are still just as much of a sponge as a toddler. He still needs to learn basic fundamentals such as not leaving his feet and ball watching on defense and trying too hard to force the issue offensively. He needs a coach that will help him learn to play within his own game. If Skal is coached badly or in the wrong environment the world may never see what Labissiere could become. If he is put into the right situation he could become the destructive force he was marketed as when coming to Kentucky.