Deyonta Davis, Michigan State

Age: 19 years old     Size: 6’10, 240 pounds

Last Season’s Stats: 7.5 points; 5.5 rebounds; 0.7 assists

Percentages: 59.8% from the field; N/A from three-point; 60.5% from the free throw line

From the Defensive Mastermind School of Tom Izzo comes Deyonta Davis. Having a 7-foot-1 wingspan with bouncy athletic ability, paired with great agility and timing, usually equates to an epic defensive presence. In Davis’s case that is all true.

Davis is a rim-running, high-flying, shot-blocking maniac that somehow finds his way to be everywhere at once. He is gobbling up 12.1 rebounds per 40 minutes and is constantly throwing down monstrous tip-in dunks. Davis is also in the top five in rim protection in this draft, even as a power forward. His motor is non-stop and his defensive versatility is among the best in the draft at the ripe age of 19.

When it comes to offense, Davis leaves a bit to be desired. He is slowly diversifying his offensive arsenal, but it is not up to par quite yet. His physical gifts do show an ability to be a solid roll man in the pick and roll. Davis has also started to develop a low post game and scored 0.98 points per possession. He is also shooting a scalding 66 percent at the rim. If he can continue to develop a mid range jumper he could become one of the better defensive role players in the NBA.

He does foul quite a bit — five fouls per 40 minutes — and can loose focus on both sides of the ball. He is slowly developing his jumper, but as of right now he only shot 5-13 from midrange this past season, so in terms of spacing he offers none. If he can clean up his defensive tendencies and add a mid-range jump shot, then look for Davis to have a long career as a role player in the NBA. In terms of fit with Denver, he really does not fill a need. If he falls to 19 the Nuggets may take him as a “best player available” selection, but past that, the fit does not seem too enticing.