Denzel Valentine, Michigan State

Age: 22 years old     Size: 6’5, 220 pounds

Last Season’s Stats: 19.2 points; 7.5 rebounds; 7.8 assists per game

Shooting Percentages: 46.2% from the field; 44.4% from three-point; 85.3 % from the free throw line

Denzel Valentine is as hard of a prospect to decide on as there is. He is as offensively versatile as any player coming out of college. He shot 44.4 percent from the three-point line, was used as a point-forward, was the leading defensive rebounder by wings per Draft Express at 8.5 defensive rebounds per 40 minutes, and was as efficient as they come with a 61.5 true shooting percentage.

He does not come without his own set of issues. Valentine, like Hield, is a senior and is 22 years old. He is already three to five years out from his best years as a pro. He also has issues athletically. For someone who is 6-foot-5 and 220 pounds, he uses it awfully bad. Valentine has not been able to score at the rim very efficiently and that is just going to get magnified once he makes the leap to the NBA. Couple that with issues defensively and you have some real concerns. If I were in Tim Connelly’s shoes I would be staying away from Valentine.