Peyton Manning has undergone change his fair share of times. Through neck surgeries and a new team he charged ahead and came out with the most prolific offense in NFL history. Well, times have changed once again for the 39-year-old signal caller.

Entering his 18th season of professional football, Manning is undergoing another change out at Dove Valley. Gary Kubiak is implementing the newest version of his long-standing zone-blocking scheme and his quarterback is up for the challenge.

“Instead of being stymied by any change, be stimulated by it and that has been true for me. It has been a real positive to tell you the truth,” Manning said Wednesday.

The changes are numerous. Apart from Manning learning the offense, the practices are different and the repetitions are different. Kubiak has emphasized getting Manning his rest early and this week has displayed that. Manning maintains that he values each snap whether it is in practice or a game but understands what he must do when he does hit the field.

“The reps you do have you try and make them quality ones,” he said.

Brock Osweiler, as well as the rest of the young talent on the team, are getting more practice but Manning is intent on remaining locked in on everything that is going on in order to stay motivated.

“I have talked to a number of players that have told me that they thought that they may have stopped playing just because they got bored with the monotony of the offense or the meetings. Physically they felt pretty good they just got bored and frustrated,” Manning said. “Everybody likes continuity and some consistency in what they you are doing but I will say that at age 36 when I got here and now at 39 I have been stimulated by the changes which I do think keeps you engaged and energetic, focused in meetings. I can tell you one thing I am not. I am not bored.”

Manning possesses an incredible football mind and can recall the smallest details from games and even practices that span his entire football career. Conversely, his body has gone through several injuries especially in the past five seasons. It seems that if his body holds up, the mental side of performing in Kubiak’s system will not be a problem.

“You always try to use your experience as a teacher. I’ve always tried to learn something from every repetition and situation,” Manning said of his lengthy career. “Hopefully you have a pretty good storage file up there in your mind and memory that you can use.”

Manning is undeniably in the tail end of his career but he has become increasingly agitated answering questions in regards to his age and if he can make the transition to a new system. Manning, the consummated pro, stated what his opinion is of the new system and how he fits in it.

“To me, if I said I liked it or didn’t like it would mean I thought my opinion mattered, which I don’t and it doesn’t. It’s our job to execute the plays and make it work so I’m learning. I’m learning about the requirements of me,” Manning said sternly. “I’m committed; I’m all in on trying to make any adjustments I have to, at the same time I’m trying to do some of the things I’ve done well.”

Dennison, who has coached with Kubiak almost his entire career, was asked Wednesday what advantages their particular offense can give a quarterback of Manning’s age and his answer was clear.

“I think trying to make the defense cover the entire field, run and pass is the big issue. That’s the big key we are trying to get done. The emphasis is, ‘hey lets make them defend everything’ and whatever they don’t defend, that is what we will take advantage of,” Dennison said.

The team will clearly be looking to be the most balanced attack since Manning’s arrival to Denver and it began early this year during team activities. Wednesday, Manning was focused as usual and intent on improving but the fact remains it is early June, a fact that Manning is maybe most excited about. With an injury to Ryan Clady and uncertainty at almost every spot along the line, No. 18 will be looking to improve exponentially in the coming months.

“We still have lots of time during training camp to get a lot of reps and to form that kind of chemistry you’re trying to form. You also have to look to form it during the season as well. It’s an ongoing process. The key is to just keep improving.”

Manning’s desire to return may have been in question following the loss to Indianapolis. That doubt may have been simply because he was not talking. Wednesday, after the second day of minicamp, his trademark business-like approach to the game was as apparent as ever. No matter what change comes his way Manning remains ready to adapt and improve despite his lofty football age. It’s a fact his coach relishes and hopes continues for some time.

“I’m sure he has seen it all and hopefully he will continue to see it all for a few more years,” Kubiak said.

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