On the eve of training camp, the Denver Broncos made a move to bolster their offensive line in acquiring veteran guard Allen Barbre. The former Philadelphia Eagle spoke with the media after Day 2 of training camp in Denver and shared his thoughts about the move.

Barbre shared that the deal did catch him off guard, and when the call came he was nervous that the news coming would be much worse than a trade.

“I was actually kind of in shock. I was talking to somebody else about that yesterday. I actually thought I was cut,” Barbre told the media. “I was heading to work out to stay in shape and get ready if the call did come. I got the call from [Eagles General Manager] Howie [Roseman] and he told me he had traded me. It was kind of an interesting deal.”

Now that the veteran guard is in Denver, Barbre is excited to do what he can to help the position group.

“It feels good. I’m excited for the opportunity and I’m ready to come out here and work. I’ll just come in every day and do what I can do, and that’s control me. I’ve got to get in there and know my assignments and work hard,” said Barbre.

The first couple days have been a bit crazy coming to a brand new city and system.

“It’s been good. It’s been kind of a roller coaster the last couple of days, flying in and trying to learn the offense out there running it,” Barbre revealed. “I never even learned it, but I’m out there running it. It’s been interesting but exciting at the same time.”

The veteran is ready to help an offensive line that ranked in the lower tier of the NFL. The Broncos are hoping that the addition of Barbre will further improve that group going into 2017.