One of the most impactful stars of the last 15 years is now a member of the Denver Nuggets.

Russell Westbrook introduced himself to Denver Nuggets fans and media at today’s Media Day festivities, speaking officially for the first time. He discussed a variety of topics, ranging from his excitement to be a member of the Nuggets, to what he’s hoping to accomplish, to his relationship with Nikola Jokic, as well as the creation of the Russell Westbrook Academy in Los Angeles.

On his path to Denver, Westbrook credited the culture as the reason he wanted to be here.

“From the outside looking in, the team is always at the top of the Western Conference, always in the hunt to win a championship, always playing the right brand of basketball.”

“I’m at the stage of my career where I want to play the right way regardless of the wins or losses.”

Westbrook elaborated on his relationship with Nikola Jokic, calling being on the floor with the three-time MVP a blessing.

“He does so many things on the floor that allow other players to be great, and I’m just happy to be a part of it and not have to play against him.”

Asked what the game plan often was to stop Nikola Jokic: “Good luck. That’s it.”

Michael Malone had glowing things to say about Westbrook and what he means to the team this year:

“Russ was in the gym yesterday, and there was just a different energy. I can’t explain it,” Malone shared. “I love that Russell Westbrook is here.”

Christian Braun and Peyton Watson also expressed their admiration for the veteran star and what he’s meant to them individually.

“Watching him and his passion for the game, that’s unmatched,” Braun shared. “Obviously, I’ve gotta learn from that. There’s a lot I can learn from him.”

“He represents our area so well,” shared Watson, another Los Angeles native, “That’s something that I’ve looked up to a lot and want to do a good job of in my career…just seeing his path all the way from UCLA to now Year 17, it’s been lovely to watch. It’s really a full circle moment [for me].”

It hasn’t been entirely smooth sailing for Westbrook since his best seasons as a member of the Oklahoma City Thunder. After being traded to the Houston Rockets in 2019, Westbrook has struggled to find the right fit for his skill set and the right team to get the most out of him. That disconnect was most evident with the Los Angeles Lakers, though the Los Angeles Clippers fit wasn’t perfect after the addition of James Harden either.

Westbrook is hoping for a clean slate in Denver, hoping his play on the court and support of his teammates will speak for itself.

I asked about joining a point guard room with Jamal Murray and what that’s going to be like, and Westbrook didn’t disappoint.

“It’s going to be great. My job is to be able to push Jamal to be the best he can be and play at the highest level he can. He’s an unbelievable player and still has so much room to get better in a lot of areas, and I’m grateful to be here and to help him along that journey, and vice versa.”

The Los Angeles native was busy this offseason, helping to put the final touches on Westbrook Academy, a high school in his hometown focusing on putting kids in the best environment possible to succeed in school and in life. Westbrook expressed pride in how he and his wife, Nina Westbrook, were able to put this together.

“It’s years in the making. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be able to bring a school, not just for kids, but for families to the south LA area.”

How things ultimately work out for Westbrook as a member of the Denver Nuggets are anyone’s guess. Westbrook will put his all into the effort though, an unquestioned truth about who he is. He will go 100%, and there’s a part of the Nuggets that needs that constant source of fire and energy. Can he provide similar bursts of athleticism, playmaking, defense, and winning plays that Bruce Brown once provided in 2022-23? That shouldn’t necessarily be the way to grade Westbrook’s performance, but it’s an avenue for success that the Nuggets have had before.

What’s clear about Russ is that he’s going to be who he is and isn’t changing for anybody.

“I never gonna change who I am. I’m not going to change anything about me. My intensity, I think that people confuse intensity with competitiveness. When I’m off the floor, I don’t wanna be walking around shaking hands, kissing babies. I don’t really wanna do that.”

“I’m there to, excuse my language, kick some ass.”

Nuggets fans are rooting for that too.